I'm Vikas Bansal, just another one in million trying to understand 0x01100001 better than any thing ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป

Get in touch vikasbansal2698@gmail.com


I Graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Goa with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a passion of learning new things and Techs which helps vibrant organisations building a value delivering product or service.

As a Software Developer, I enjoy bridging the gap between engineering and design โ€” combining my technical knowledge with my keen eye for design to create beautiful products. My goal is to always build applications that are scalable and efficient under the hood while providing engaging, user-friendly experience.

Although I'm mostly in front of my laptop or mobile While I'm not working, I'm probably listening to music, watching random stuff on youtube or whistling some random songs.

  • C++, Python
  • C, JavaScript
  • GO-Lang(Begineer)
  • ReactNative
  • React
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Exposed to Django
  • Firebase,Git
  • Inkscape,Ubuntu
  • Bash, LAMP Stack
  • Google Colab
Deep Learning Tools and models
  • Keras, Theano
  • Tensorflow, CNN
Optimising features of Legacy code, Unit tests, bug hunting, 3rd party API integration
Worked closely with QA and Product team while developing tech solutions to the business requirements
Developed API endpoints in NodeJs and created responsive features while working with ReactJs
ReactNative app that helps Central Delhi administration to monitor the complaints filed by COVID Patients in real-time.
Jan 2019 - Mar 2019
Finalist under Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
Participant | IIT Bombay
June 2018 - July 2018
Machine Learning Internship | Minstry of Earth Sciences
Jun 2017
Web Development Internship | UI Designer
Extra Curriculars
Blogger, whistling songs #Let some music play

Am I a Geek๐Ÿค“ sitting in front of Laptop 24X7 and talking in some alien language?............ well Well no, I like talking with people, meeting new people, travel #Wanderlust

Let's have some Drinks together๐Ÿฅ‚